Thursday, February 13, 2014

Week 6

I've spent sometime creating a drying puddle scene (the final resting place of the juvenile Bothriolepis). It was an interesting challenge. Wet sand tends to be darker and also very glossy and then it fades off. To achieve that effect I projected a horizontal color ramp across the terrain, and then parented it to the waterline. As the waterline descends, the rim of wet sand seems to follow. It's still a work in progress. It would be great to get some cracking mud on the upper levels of the terrain.

More work on tweaking the overhead view. Starting to layer in some foam effects to make the water surface look more believable.

Here's a look at the current state of the rig. Rather than using only joints, I am incorporating a slightly different tool to achieve this deformation, something called a blendshape. It's a workflow I've used before. I had originally done it as a test, but I think it might save me some time in the end. I think it'll be more of a hybrid rig in the end (some things being controlled by joints and others by blendshapes). I am going to run it by Dave to see what he thinks.

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